Chinese People’s Police Day observed

Anqing: “That’s definitely good news for police nationwide,” said a veteran police officer named Yao Shangde working at a prison management office in Anqing City, east China’s Anhui Province, when asked how he felt about China’s first national Police Day to be celebrated on Sunday, January 10.
The Chinese People’s Police Day aims to give full recognition to the police for their efforts in protecting citizens while they go about their daily lives.
January 10 was chosen in connection to the police hotline 110. On January 10, 1986, Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau launched China’s first police hotline with the number 110. In 1996, China’s Ministry of Public Security held a meeting to make the hotline nationwide.
After over 30 years, 110 has become a symbol of the police force as well as one of the household phone numbers people immediately think of when in danger.
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949, more than 14,000 police officers in public security organs have laid down their lives in service and more than 100,000 police officers have been wounded, according to data from the Ministry of Public Security.
In the first half of 2020, 169 police officers died while on duty, amid work in COVID-19 control and prevention as well as maintaining social security and stability, according to the Ministry.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN
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