Sanjrani for world focus on atroticities at IOJ&K

ISLAMABAD: Chairman, Senate, Sadiq Sanjrani Sunday vowed to draw the world parliamentarians’ attention towards brutalities, being committed by the Indian forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K).
He expressed the resolve during a meeting with Tehreek-e-Kashmir (TeK) United Kingdom (UK) President Raja Fahim Kayani, who was called on him here in Islambad. The Senate chairman told the TeK president that he would write letters to more than 56 thousand parliamentarians across the world to seek their attention to stop growing human rights (HR) violations in the Kashmir.
He said Pakistan would raise IIOJ&K dispute at every international fora, adding “Kashmiris movement is as per the spirit of United Nations that had passed the resolutions for the Kashmiris right of self-determination.”
“It is time to give right of vote to the people of IIOJ&K, so they can decide about their future,” Sanjrani remarked.
He said following the August 5, 2019 situation, the overseas Pakistanis and Kashmiris were playing pivotal role to expose India’s highhandedness in IIOJ&K, where people were still searching and waiting for their missing loved ones.
“India is not only violating human rights of Kashmiris but also using all the resources at its disposal to crush the ongoing indigenous liberation movement in IIOJ&K,” the Senate chairman noted.
He appreciated the role of TeK UK for highlighting Kashmir cause by holding conferences, ‘Kashmir marches’ and pro-freedom protests across the UK that helped a lot to expose Indian bellicosity before the people of UK and rest of the other western countries.
Sanjrani said besides writing letters to world parliamentarians, he would also update the rest of the world about the rising human rights abuses faced by Kashmiris at the hands of occupational troops stationed in IIOJ&K.
On the occasion, TeK UK president Kayani told the Senate Chairman that overseas Pakistanis and Kashmiris living in UK would continue to contribute in the economy of Pakistan.
He said the Pakistani expatriates were committed to the country’s development.
Earlier, in Feb 2020 Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani terms Trump’s statement about Pakistan a response to the Indian propaganda. He said that the US President has lauded Pakistan’s efforts against terrorism and has acknowledged that Pakistan has made huge sacrifices in the war against terror and they are a counter effort of India’s state sponsored terrorism.
He said this in a statement issued after US president remarks about Pakistan.
Chairman Senate said that Pakistani people and government call for role of international community including the US President to stop the human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir.
He remarked that US President must be well aware of the new wave of human rights violations and Indian atrocities in the occupied Kashmir and Indian state has committed serious crimes against humanity in occupied Kashmir.
Chairman Senate turned this statement to have been made at a critical juncture in the history.
He said that India wants to control the region but the world is now well aware of its cheap and aggressive designs.