China refutes Pompeo’s accusation over CPC policies

BEIJING: A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson on Monday refuted U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s accusation over the Communist Party of China (CPC) policies on religion, human rights, Tibet and Xinjiang related issues, saying that his attempt to drive a wedge between the CPC and the Chinese people is doomed to fail.
Spokesperson Zhao Lijian told a daily news briefing that Pompeo had planned for and practiced the “lying diplomacy” and pursued to revive McCarthyism, which had dented U.S. image and reputation more than ever.
Zhao said that the key to China’s development was that the Chinese people had found a development path in line with the country’s national realities under the leadership of the CPC. According to authoritative international research, the Chinese people’s overall satisfaction toward the CPC-led government exceeds 90 percent for many years.
Pompeo’s political attacks on the CPC was tantamount to attacks on the 1.4 billion Chinese people, said Zhao, adding that Pompeo cannot drive a wedge between the Party and the Chinese people.
“Any attempt to remold or even subvert the Chinese government was ‘a mission impossible’ and doomed to fail,” said the spokesperson. – Agencies