Terror attacks from Afghan soil

Pakistan called upon the Government of Afghanistan to take immediate action against the terrorists and terrorist groups finding sanctuaries in Afghanistan to target Pakistani security forces. Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry said that terrorists from inside Afghanistan fired across international border on a military post in Mohmand District resulting in shahadat of Frontier Corps soldier Sepoy Fazal Wahid, age 25. During operation “Rah-e-Rast ” when Pakistan Army took over the Control of Imam Dheari in Swat in 2009, Maulana Fazlullah ( real Name Molvi Fazal Hayat) along with his militants escaped from Swat, Malakand to Kunar Province of Afghanistan. These miscreants were well come by some elements in Afghanistan, and helped these terrorist elements in establishing their safe havens and launching pads inside Afghanistan’s territory. These miscreants started terrorist activities from Afghanistan inside Pakistan. The similar episode was repeated during Operation “Zarb-e-Azb” in 2014, when the remains of Baitullah Masud head of TTP flee out from Pakistan to Afghan territory and established their hide places in Khundhar area. After, normalisation of the law and order situation in tribal areas, government of Pakistan relaxed the security measures in the border areas to facilitate the local population. The miscreants taking advantage of the situation again started their terrorist activities in border areas adjacent to Afghanistan. Pakistani Security officials acknowledged the recent increase in terrorist activities and commented that these activities are most likely aim at busting the ongoing peace process between the Afghan government and Taliban. TTP considers any such peace deal between Afghan parties as a threat for itself. Because peace in Afghanistan will eliminate its terrorist sanctuaries on Afghan soil. As per assessment, these attacks will gain momentum in coming days. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan issued a warning in northern Waziristan in the recent days. TTP warned the people of the area not to return to North Waziristan because TTP is going to launch an offensive against the Security Forces in future. Pakistan must take a preemptive approach to tackle this situation both at internal and external fronts.