US lawmakers approve decree to remove Trump

DM Monitoring

Washington: The US House of Representatives voted almost along party lines to call on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to remove President Donald Trump from office just eight days before his term ends on January 20.
The vote amounts to a symbolic rebuke as Pence said earlier that he does not support the resolution.
Democrats are now swiftly moving towards impeaching Trump with a single charge: “Incitement of insurrection” over the violent siege of the US Capitol.
Several Republicans have said they will vote to impeach him.
A growing number of Republican lawmakers have said they will vote to impeach Trump. Here are some of them:
Liz Cheney: House Republican, Cheney was the most senior member of her party to vote against efforts to challenge the January 6 Electoral College results confirming Trump’s loss.
Adam Kinzinger: A frequent Trump critic, Kinzinger said Trump broke his oath of office by inciting his supporters to insurrection and used his position to attack the legislative branch of government. John Katko: Katko was the first member of the House Republican caucus to say he would vote for impeachment.
Fred Upton: Upton in November said Trump had shown no proof of his claims that his election defeat was the result of widespread fraud.
Jaime Herrera Beutler: Herrera Beutler is a moderate from the state of Washington.