Pakistan defense preparations

Pakistan Navy Fleet performed live weapons firing in an inspiring fire power drill at North Arabian Sea. During live fire drill, Pakistan Navy Submarines successfully engaged their intended targets with Anti-Ship Missiles and Torpedoes. According to the press statement issued by ISPR, this occasion was attended by Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi as Chief Guest and witnessed by senior naval officers. This successful drill depicted the combat readiness of Pakistan Navy Fleet and re-affirmed Pakistan Navy’s offensive capability and operational readiness. Two weeks back, Pakistan Navy successfully conducted the live firing of surface to air missiles (SAMs) capability in the North Arabian Sea. These are the Pakistan Navy routine defense preparedness to ensure its capabilities and readiness against any unforeseen situation in the maritime domain of national security. Pakistan Army also conducted successful test flight of Fatah-1 (guided multi-launch rocket system) on January 07, 2021. The Fatah-1 system is conventional weapons system indigenously prepared by our talented Scientists and Engineers as a response to the Indian so-called Cold Start Doctrine. Fatah-1 is the developed variant of MLRS family with extended range and more precise guided technologies. The development of a conventional system by Pakistan portrays its commitment to maintain balance of power against it eternal enemy India, who is continuously engage in procurement of latest arms and ammunition across the world to fulfill its nefarious designs against its neighbor countries. On air front, Pakistan Air Force has recently concluded joint Air Exercise Shaheen-IX in collaboration with Peoples Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). This exercise provides a platform to both Air Forces to share views and learn from each other experiences, techniques, tactics and operational methodology to increase the interoperability of both Forces. Besides our Defense Forces continuous efforts to maintain their stronghold in their respect domain of future warfare. The back bone of the Country’s Defense, our Scientists, Engineers and other technical staff in various Research and Development institutions including Air Weapon Complex, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra, Wah Ordinance Factories, KRL , PN Dockyard and several other organizations are working tirelessly for making Pakistan more strong and invincible. Pakistani nation always remember our these salient defenders who spend their days and nights to provide credible deterrence to the Pakistan’s defense.