Afzaal Ahmed assumes charge as DIG Operations

-Directs for effective policing measures to eradicate crime

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: PSP officer Afzaal Ahmed Kauser on Thursday assumed charge as Capital Cops’ DIG Operations. Earlier, he has served in Balochistan, CPO Rawalpindi, CPO Faisalabad and RPO Sargodha. After assuming the charge, he said that citizens safety top priority and every possible effort would be made to ensure protection to the lives and property of the citizens through best policing measures. He said that prevention of crime would be among his top priority and effective policing would be ensured through cooperation of citizens.
The newly appointed DIG Operations Afzaal Ahmed Kausar on Thursday directed for elaborate and effective policing measures to eradicate crime from the city and ensure justice to people at their door steps. In his maiden introductory meeting with officials of Islamabad police here at Rescue 15, the DIG Operations directed to enhance police patrolling and deployment in those areas where crime rate is comparatively high. He asked all Zonal SPs to compile data of crime committed during last three months and contact the complainants to know whether their issues have been resolved or not. The meeting was attended among others by SSP Operations, SSP Investigation, Additional SP, all Zonal SPs, SDPOs and SHOs. SSP Operations briefed DIG Operations about the affairs of operational divisions. DIG Operations Afzaal Ahmed Kausar directed for effective action against drug pushers, proclaimed offenders and absconders. He stressed to adopt decent police measures in the city and serve public with honesty and dedication. He directed patrolling teams to remain high alert against suspects and criminal elements.
He said progress of police officials would be reviewed continuously and capable cops ensuring effective crackdown against criminals would be encouraged. DIG Operations asked to accelerate efforts against those involved in street crime, bootlegging, illegal occupation on lands and at-large criminals. He directed SPs to visit the crime scene themselves and conduct investigation of high-profile criminal cases under their own supervision by remaining in contact with complainants or victims.
DIG Operations ordered to enhance patrolling in urban as well as rural areas of the city and urged all to accomplish responsibilities with honesty and in professional manner. He asked all SHOs to fix time for listening complaints of the citizens and remain in contact with people by arranging `Open Kutcheries’.
He also asked to hold crime meeting on monthly basis during which the performance of each police official would be reviewed.
DIG Operations appreciated the prompt response of SHO Shamas Colony police station following information about a dacoity attempt in his area. Moreover, he said that no compromise would made on free registration of crime and strict action would be taken in case of complaint against any police official. He said that his doors are always open for citizens and also directed the police officials addresses the public complaints with devotion and dedication. He further directed to pay respect to the community/law abiding citizens and never spare the outlaws.