‘PHA to provide recreational opportunities to citizens’

By Minahil Makhdoom

RAWALPINDI: Vice Chairman Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) Rawalpindi, Malik Abid Hussain has said the PHA shall provide all-round opportunities to the citizens for positive recreational activities in the coming spring season and also involve them in massive Spring Tree Plantation campaign.
These views were expressed by him while talking with the citizens during his special visit to Rawal Park Rawal Road and Iqbal Park Murree Road on Friday. He also shared with citizens the programmes of spring festivities and sought their cooperation with regard to make success the campaign of turning parks natural green.
Malik Abid Hussain said the PHA shall arrange different merriments for the citizens especially for the children. “While celebrating the spring season with fun and fair, it would also be taken as an opportunity to make the citizens, especially the students and small children responsible ones to contribute in lessening environmental pollution†, he added. He shared that every citizen would be involved in Spring Tree Plantation Campaign and he or she not merely plant a sapling but would take full care of it till the planted sapling turned into a mature tree.
The Vice Chairman mentioned that PHA Chairman and Advisor to the Chief Minister Punjab Asif Mehmood was keen to create a healthy environment and provide all-round opportunities for positive recreational activities to the citizens for which consultations are underway with the concerned agencies and individuals to finalize the programs.
He said that the citizens would be involved in the spring tree planting campaign with full vigor. In this regard, we will launch a special campaign in government and non-government schools, colleges and vocational training centers to make students aware of the need and importance of trees through their teachers.
Malik Abid Hussain maintained that the process of retrieving and making the lands allotted for the parks natural green by converting them into regular parks has already been started. It is the responsibility of the citizens who come to the parks for recreation not only to protect the flowers and plants but also to give their suggestions for making them green and fresh and also to play their role in promoting charity like tree planting in practice.
He also spoke to the park staff and asked them to take special care of cleanliness inside the parks. “All of you may appeal to the citizens with full courtesy and high moral attitudes to maintain cleanliness†, he advised the staff.