China walks the talk in pursuit of multilateralism

BEIJING: In his special address at the World Economic Forum virtual event of the Davos Agenda, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for global action, global response and global cooperation to fix the world’s problems. Xi’s remarks on Monday resonate with all those across the world committed to upholding multilateralism and jointly building a community with a shared future for mankind.
At a time when the deadly coronavirus is still raging in many parts of the world and humanity is encountering a raft of global challenges and crises rarely seen in history, no one can survive without joining forces and working together with others. Thus, an efficient way to jointly ride out the critical moment is to uphold multilateralism, in which all countries need to assume their due responsibilities and take concrete actions, instead of only making empty promises.
China has walked the talk and devoted itself to the global fight against the once-in-a-century pandemic. Under immense pressure of epidemic prevention and control at home, it has offered urgently-needed supplies to others within its capacity.
Actions speak louder than words. So far, China has provided assistance to over 150 countries and 13 international organizations, and sent 36 medical expert teams to countries in need.
It has also been actively engaged in global cooperation on COVID-19 vaccines and working hard to promote these life-saving tools to be more accessible and affordable. – Agencies