Xi urges to strengthen cooperation with Bolivia

BEIJING: China is willing to strengthen cooperation with Bolivia on COVID-19 vaccines, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a phone conversation with his Bolivian counterpart, Luis Arce.
In the past 36 years since China and Bolivia established diplomatic relations, they have made steady progress in bilateral ties, Xi said.
Especially during the Morales administration, the two sides have seen close high-level exchanges, rapid expansion of economic and trade cooperation and sound coordination in multilateral affairs, Xi added.
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, China has provided Bolivia with material and technical assistance to fight the epidemic through various channels, he said. China will continue supporting Bolivia in the anti-epidemic fight within its capacity, Xi said.
Xi stressed that China has always treated Bolivia as a good friend and a good partner, and attached great importance to the China-Bolivia strategic partnership.
China supports Bolivia in exploring a development path that fits its national conditions, and in continuously raising the “better life” index of the Bolivian people, Xi said. China is willing to enhance policy communication and coordination, share governance experience and learn from each other, deepen political mutual trust and support each other, Xi said.
He called on the two sides to review their practical cooperation to make better plans, and jointly promote construction of the Belt and Road cooperation. China is glad to see Bolivia making full use of such platforms as China International Import Expo to promote its quality products with characteristics, Xi said. China supports businesses of the two sides in expanding cooperation in agriculture, mining, infrastructure construction, telecommunication and other fields, and promoting cultural and people-to-people exchanges and local cooperation in accordance to the epidemic situation, Xi said.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item