Critical analysis of India’s hegemonic behavior in the Region

By Laraib Fatima Hassan

Since the present Narendra Modi-led BJP government won the 2013 parliamentary elections in India, the hegemonic ambitions of the Indian state have become an ever-growing gruesome reality. The pattern of constant illegal activities which is being followed by the Indian government for many years has exponentially increased the risk of geopolitical instability and military confrontation in this region. This article attempts to logically rebut and exposethe present radical Indian government’s expansionist ambitions and the ramifications of these hegemonic policies.By having a fair analysis of the legal effects and implications of India’s acts of unilateral revocation of disputed territories and violation of territorial sovereignty of its neighboring states, it can be proved that such Indian activities lack valid locus standi and are detrimental to the peace of this region. For this purpose, the legal implications of India’s hegemonic ambitions is also examined in detail in this article.
Introduction & Background: During the final decades of the 20th century, India gradually imposed its position as a global economic power and gained much influence in the international community because of its geopolitical and economic position in South Asia. However, that reputation has vanished for quite some time. India is now known as a hegemonic State not only by its neighboring countries but by many other countries around the world as well, as Narendra Modi became Prime Minister of India in 2013. However, since then, violence in IIOJ&K has escalated exponentially and its special status under article 370 has been unilaterally revoked by the Modi government in a display of utter contempt and disregard for UNSC resolutions regarding Kashmir. This fascist regime has also breached the territorial integrity and sovereignty of its neighboring countries and has put the serenity of this region in grave danger. India’s massive buildup of its armed forces and increased naval presence in the Indian Ocean provides a valid example of the tumultuous future which lies ahead for us unless India’s rival countries in the region find a way to halt these expansionist ambitions.
Overview of India’s Hegemonic Activities in its Surrounding Region: The radical Hindutva policies which were sugarcoated by its biased supporters are now showing their true colors in the wake of the rise in extremist policies under the Narendra Modi led government. Following are the actions of the incumbent Indian government which manifest its true ulterior motives in the region:
Revocation of Article 370 and its Repercussions on the Region: The relations between Pakistan and India hit a new low when India unilaterally revoked article 370 from its constitution and stripped IIOJK of the already negligible special status under the Indian constitution. This act was not only against the Indian constitution since IIOJK’s constituent assembly’s consent was not taken which was a necessary precondition for any such revocation, but it was also in contravention of international law as the liabilities under UNSC resolutions for the amicable resolution of Kashmir dispute through plebiscite were utterly disregarded.
Furthermore, by conducting this illegal act, India has also severely downplayed and disregarded the relevant provisions of the Tashkent Declaration 1966,Simla agreement 1972, and Lahore Declaration 1999 for the amicable resolution of the Kashmir dispute. Many prominent individuals and experts who are determined for fair resolution of Kashmir dispute believe that these agreements should be now discarded by Pakistan as a protest against this unilateral revocation. However, in a time when India is already finding excuses to get rid of its liabilities against Pakistan vis-à-vis Kashmir dispute, Pakistan must keep its end of international commitments in pursuance of a rational resolution of the Kashmir dispute in a presumably optimistic future. If Pakistan withdraws from these agreements, the Indian government and media may try to legitimize their attitude of benign neglect regarding the Kashmir dispute by blaming Pakistan.
India’s Efforts to Encircle and Isolate Pakistan: India has invested huge sums of money and resources in many countries that have geographical or strategic proximity to Pakistan under the pretext of its long-term economic development. This economic growth, in turn, has the potential to support increased Indian political influence throughout Southeast, Central Asia, and the Middle East.
At the outset, it looks like a perfect economic plan for regional prosperity. However, India has used many of its consulates and safe heavens in Afghanistan and Iran for conducting subversive activities and state-sponsored terrorism against Pakistan for years. The arrest and subsequent confessions of on-duty Indian navy officer Kulbhushan Jadhav regarding India’s subversive activities in Balochistan and Karachi is a glaring example in this regard. A recent dossier sent by the government to Pakistan also has ample evidence about various multi-faceted aspects.
Violation of Territorial Sovereignty by India to its Neighbors: Since 2013, the far-right BJP government in India has become increasingly hostile towards its neighboring states and started to give veiled threats to Pakistan and China in an attempt to pressurize them to accept India’s hegemonic demands.Having concurrent hot borders with three of its neighbors, never before India has been exposed so badly as an expansionist and hegemonic state under its overtly stated objectives of regional dominance. Apart from these countries, India has also tried to usurp many areas within Nepalese territory in pursuance of its hegemonic goals even though it does not have any outstanding conflicts with it.In pursuance of its warmongering agenda, the Indian government foolishly allowed its war rhetoric to spill over and clashed with Pakistan and China in February 2019 and June 2020 respectively.
– The author is Communication & Coordination Manager at Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad