‘Hyping Xinjiang card may worsen China, US ties’

URUMQI: Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region welcomes people from all around the world, including officials from the new US administration, to visit but it opposes any presumption of guilt, senior officials from the region told a press conference in Beijing.Analysts said that China’s attitude toward foreigners’ visits to its Xinjiang region is always open and consistent despite some of them trying to verify presumptions. Welcoming US officials to visit Xinjiang showed that China hopes the Biden administration would not repeat the mistakes of the Trump administration in using Xinjiang topics to further damage bilateral ties.
“We welcome people from all fields around the world, including officials from the new US administration, to visit Xinjiang to learn what is really happening there and avoid being fooled by Pompeo’s lies,” Xu Guixiang, a deputy director-general of the publicity department of the Xinjiang Regional Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), said on Monday.
We also have a bottom line and firmly oppose any so-called investigation with a presumption of guilt, said Xu. Former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo on January 19 his last day in the job tweeted that he had “determined” that China is “committing genocide and crimes against humanity” in Xinjiang against Uygurs and other ethnic groups, and he wrote that China and the CPC “must be held to account.”
Xu said that Pompeo’s accusation was “the largest instance of framing someone in human history his determination is a piece of waste paper.” China’s attitude to welcome foreigners to visit its Xinjiang is consistent and open, although some foreigners never abandoned their bias and tried hard to verify their presumptions of guilt during or before visits to the region, Jia Chunyang, an expert at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times on Monday.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times news exchange item