Turkey, Serbia slam Israel-Kosovo relations

Foreign Desk Report

BELGRADE: Serbia’s foreign minister has expressed dismay over Israel’s decision to recognize Kosovo, a former Serbian province whose statehood Belgrade denies, saying officials were “not happy” with the development.
The reaction came a day after Israel and Kosovo established diplomatic ties under a deal brokered by the United States, marking a victory for Pristina’s efforts to gain full global recognition of the independence it declared in 2008 following a war with Serbia in the 1990s.
“We have invested serious efforts in our relations with Israel in recent years and we are not happy with this decision,” Serbian foreign minister Nikola Selakovic told public broadcaster RTS on Tuesday. Israel’s move will “undoubtedly influence relations between Serbia and Israel,” he said.
Most Western countries have recognised Kosovo, but its rejection by Serbia’s key allies Russia and China has seen it locked out of the United Nations.
Since establishing ties in 1991, the countries have maintained good relations with growing Israeli investment in the small Balkan state. Turkey weighs in on embassy plan: In exchange for Israel’s recognition, Kosovo recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, becoming the first Muslim-majority territory to do so.