Qureshi reaffirms solid support to Kashmir cause

-Says Pakistan will not let anyone take away Kashmir from the Kashmiris
-States Kashmir cause & the struggle is just, sacred and non-negotiable
-Nation all set to observe Kashmir Solidarity Day on 5th

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Wednesday said Pakistan’s ultimate objective remains the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute as per the wishes of the Kashmiri people and relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council through a free and impartial plebiscite.
“We will not let anyone take away Kashmir from the Kashmiris. This cause and the struggle is just, sacred and non-negotiable,” the Foreign Minister said in his address at a seminar on ’Standing with Unheard Voices of Kashmir’ organized by Institute of Regional Studies.
The Foreign Minister said the people and government of Pakistan remained committed to extend full support to the just cause of Kashmiri’s right to self-determination.
He said the Kashmiris’ resolve for freedom from Indian occupation had only become stronger in the face of Indian atrocities.
“Through their supreme sacrifices, Kashmiris have made it crystal clear that Jammu and Kashmir is not the so-called “integral part” of India,” he said. The Foreign Minister said India’s re-invasion and re-occupation of the illegally occupied territory through barrel of the gun had further alienated the Kashmiri people. Over 900,000 occupation troops have perpetuated the worst reign of terror upon the innocent Kashmiris, he added. “It has been eighteen months, since the continuous military siege, communications blockade, media blackout, and unprecedented restrictions on the fundamental freedoms were imposed in Indian illegally occupied Jammu & Kashmir,” he said.
Qureshi mentioned that extra-judicial killing of young Kashmiris in fake “encounters” and staged cordon-and-search operations had become a regular occurrence in IIOJK with over 300 innocent Kashmiris martyred by the Indian occupation forces since 5th August 2019.
He said senior Kashmiri leadership including founding leader of Kashmiri organization “Dukhtaran-i-Millat” and the “Iron Lady of Kashmir” Asiya Andrabi, leader and founder of the Jammu & Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party Shabbir Ahmed Shah, prominent leaders such as Yasin Malik, Masarat Alam Bhat, Mohammad Ashraf Sehraie and others remain jailed including the infamous Tihar Jail in India on fake, malicious and trumped up charges.
The Foreign Minister said the real objective of the RSS-BJP regime behind its illegal actions of August 5th was to change the demographic structure of the occupied territory in violation of the UN Security Council resolutions and the international law, including the 4th Geneva Convention.
He said the world was witnessing rise of ultra-nationalism, racism, fascism, religious hatred and intolerance in India in the garb of “Hindutva” supremacist ideology, championed by the RSS-inspired BJP Government, which has been using violence to achieve its illegitimate objectives. This “Hindutva” ideology is not only a threat to the Kashmiris, but to India’s own nationals as well, particularly Muslims, he added.
He mentioned targeted attacks and discriminatory measures against Muslims rampant in the BJP’s India — ranging from policies of systematically disenfranchising Muslims to physical assaults and other anti-Muslim actions under the boggy of “Love-Jihad” and “Corona Jihad” designed to demonize the Muslims.
Qureshi said several credible reports from human rights organizations and media outlets had already censured India on its ongoing military siege, clampdown on communications, media blackout and use of other measures to perpetuate its illegal occupation of IIOJK.
He said early resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute was a pre-requisite for durable peace and stability in South Asia.
“The unflinching belief of the Kashmiri people in their just struggle for freedom from Indian occupation fills our hearts with great pride. Their resilience in the face of unspeakable atrocities being perpetuated by Indian occupation forces is remarkable,” he said.
On the other hand, Like across Pakistan, brisk preparations have been given final touches in Azad Jammu & Kashmir including this largest expatriates lake district of Mirpur to observe Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5 to reiterate complete solidarity with the brethren of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK).
India has kept bulk part of the internationally-acknowledged disputed Himalayan state in her illegal and forcible occupation against the aspirations wishes of the people of the state.
This year too, the Kashmir Solidarity Day was being observed in most tragic scenario that was followed by August 05, 2019 sinister act of scrapping special status of the internationally-acknowledged disputed IIOJK by the hardliner Modi-led Indian government through abrogation of the article 370 and 35-A of the Indian constitution.
The bleeding occupied valley has been turned into the world’s largest prison following imprisonment of the people protesting against the nefarious Indian action under the shadow of the occupying Indian guns.
In Azad Jammu & Kashmir arrangements have been given final touches to observe the day with traditional zeal and fervour and with the renewal of the Kashmiris firm resolve to continue their struggle for the achievement of their birth right to self determination through getting the motherland liberated from the Indian clutches in order to reach to the ultimate destination – Pakistan, through the accession of entire J & K state to this country. It would be a state holiday throughout Azad Jammu & Kashmir on this occasion to observe the day.