Xi spends time with ordinary people before Chinese New Year

BEIJING: Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, started visiting southwest China’s Guizhou Province on Wednesday, about one week before the Spring Festival, or the Chinese Lunar New Year.
For nine years in a row, Xi has made it a tradition to visit ordinary people, especially the disadvantaged groups, ahead of the Spring Festival, the most important holiday on the Chinese calendar.
The following are some of the most memorable moments of Xi’s interactions with these people during his pre-Spring Festival tours.
2020, Yunnan
Xi went to the home of farmer Li Fashun in Simola Wa Village, Yunnan Province, where he learned about the family’s daily life, and was invited to join the family in making rice cakes. He also beat a wooden drum of the Wa ethnic group three times, a local ritual activity to bless the coming year.
The year 2020 marked the deadline for China to eliminate absolute poverty. During the inspection, Xi noted that shaking off poverty is the starting point for a new and happy life, calling for vigorously promoting rural vitalization after a moderately prosperous society in all respects is achieved.
2019, Beijing
Xi visited the hutong neighborhoods of central Beijing and particularly dropped in on an express delivery station there, stressing that priority should be given to solving employment problems and creating more jobs.
He praised the hard work of deliverymen, saying they were “busy as bees” to bring convenience to people’s lives.
2018, Sichuan
Xi went deep into the mountains of impoverished Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China’s Sichuan Province.
In two ethnic Yi villages, Xi was happy to learn that villagers have increased their incomes by raising cattle and growing potatoes, peppers and walnuts.
“Not a single ethnic group or family should be left behind in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,” Xi said.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item