Chinese scientists urge WHO to trace virus sources in other States

BEIJING: While the team of 13 WHO experts are halfway through their highly anticipated field visits to Wuhan, capital of Central China’s Hubei Province, a number of predominant Chinese epidemiologists – including those close to the National Health Commission and Chinese CDC, jointly called for similar field studies on the origins of the novel coronavirus in other countries, as the Chinese city is considered just the first stop of such scientific work on the global scale.
They also called on the US to learn from China in inviting the team to carry out investigation as Wuhan is just the first stop of such scientific work in the world.
As the work of tracing the origins requires continuous efforts, the WHO is encouraged to discuss possible next stops for field work following the Wuhan trip, trying to resolve the puzzle of this mysterious virus with the help of more data and information from more countries and regions, Chinese experts said.
After the trip to Wuhan, the WHO should also conduct virus-tracing work in other countries, Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist of the

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