India’s aggressive rhetoric is a threat to regional peace, says Babar Amin

-Pakistani HC organizes Webinar titled ‘A Case of Human Rights in Jammu & Kashmir

Canberra: The Pakistani High Commission in Australia organizes Webinar titled ‘A Case of Human Rights in Jammu & Kashmir’ to commemorate Kashmir Solidarity Day and to express solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K). It was attended by distinguish Australian, Pakistani experts, officials besides Embassy officers and officials.
On the occasion High Commissioner Babar Amin briefed on the history and genesis of the Kashmir conflict and the RSS inspired BJP government’s Hindutva agenda. He also highlighted the propaganda of misinformation campaign against Pakistan that was exposed in the EU Disinfo Lab’s report. Facts and figures were also displayed depicting the plight of Kashmiri people at the hands of over 900,000 Indian occupied Forces during the last more than seven decades.
Amin stressed that India’s aggressive rhetoric and misadventurism against Pakistan were a serious threat to regional peace and stability. “India should refrain from its aggressive behavior and should focus on the prosperity of its people,” he added.

Amin also said that India is continuously violating human rights in Jammu and Kashmir. “Since the 5th August 2019 unilateral Indian actions, the valley has been remained under constant curfews to suppress the voices of Kashmiris,” he noted.
On the occasion, other distinguished speakers including Ex-Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir, Ex- Senator Lee Rhiannon, David Shoebridge, Member of the Legislative Council in the New South Wales Parliament, Dr. Claude Rakisits and Prof Samina Yasmin also voice support for the oppress people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Ex- Senator Lee Rhiannon said that people of Jammu and Kashmir were denied basic human rights, slef-determination, communication, food and medicine during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. She emphasized that the Indian government has locked the people of Kashmir is an open prison. She also urged the Australian government and international community to press India for immediate cessation of lockdown in IoK.
Mr. David Shoebridge, MLC highlighted the human rights violations in Kashmir and stressed on the need for resolution of the Kashmir dispute on the principle of right to self-determination. He expressed concern on the indifference of the international community including Australia, to the plight of the Kashmiris. He, however, added that there was hope as the issue was being raised by international human rights organizations, media groups and parliamentarians around the world.
Dr. Claude Rakisits in his remarks stated that the situation in IIOJK was gravedue to the continued clampdown in IIOJK. He added that India’s actions of 5 August 2019 were a violation of international laws. Kashmir had become an open-air jail where people were being denied their fundamental rights. He appreciated the Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s remarks on 3 February 2021 in which he called for the resolution of IIOJK issue in accordance with the UNSC resolutions. Dr. Rakists further stated that people of Jammu and Kashmir should be allowed to choose their own fate.
Professor Samina Yasmin informed the participants that the human rights violations being carried out by India had been reported by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) in its two reports of June 2018 and July 2019. She added that international community should not overlook India’s inhumane actions due to economic or strategic interests. She also highlighted the psychological impact of the human rights abuses on the people of IIOJK.
High Commissioner Babar Amin thanked all the speakers for their principled position on the issue of Kashmir.–PR