Pakistan ready to ‘go the extra mile’ for peace: PM

-Kashmir Solidarity Day
-Says Pakistan seeks just solution to Kashmir issue
-States desire for peace must not be taken as a sign of weakness
-Reiterate Pakistan’s full support to Kashimri aspirations
-Highlights Indian oppressions, brutalities in held Kashmir
-Argues force, aggression is not solution to the issue
-Urges India to refrain from aggressive polices

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: If India demonstrates sincerity in seeking a just solution to the Kashmir issue in accordance with UNSC resolutions, Pakistan is ready to take two steps forward for peace, Prime Minister Imran Khan said in his message on Kashmir Solidarity Day.
“But let no one mistake our desire for stability & peace as a sign of weakness,” he cleared in a series of tweets.
“Rather, it is because of our strength & confidence as a nation that we are prepared to go the extra mile to ensure a just peace that fulfills the legitimate aspirations of the Kashmiri people,” the prime minister said.On Kashmir Solidarity Day, he said he wants to reiterate that Pakistan stands united and resolute with the Kashmiris in their legitimate struggle for self-determination, which has been reaffirmed by the international community in numerous UNSC resolutions.
“Over 7 decades of Indian Occupation & oppression have failed to weaken the Kashmiri people’s resolve to struggle for their right to self-determination,” PM Khan maintained. “Now, a younger generation of Kashmiris is taking the struggle forward with even greater resolve.”
“To the Kashmiri people, my message is that your goal of self determination is not far. Pakistan will stand with you till you achieve your legitimate rights. Pakistan has always stood for peace in our region, but the onus of creating an enabling environment lies with India.”
Moreover, History is witness no oppressive force can win against a population which unites to fight for its rights, said Prime Minister Imran Khan addressing a public gathering on Friday in Kotli on the occasion of Kashmir Day.
Enumerating the US incursion of Vietnam which failed terribly, PM Khan said despite being a superpower and laying waste in Vietnam, America failed because the people there did not accept them.
Vietnam sacrificed 3 million people but salvaged themselves from American clutches, he said.
He cited another example of the failed armed invasion attempted on Algeria by France and reiterated if people stand resolute and united, no force can break them. Even if India fortifies its invasion with a force comprising 900,000 personnel, it cannot suppress Kashmir, he said.
The prime minister asserted each kid to be born in Kashmir bears in their heart the passion for freedom.We tried to sit and talk with India on the long-overdue matters for resolution and find a solution for the Kashmir issue but despite my attempts, I could not understand why India wasn’t willing to talk, said the prime minister.
When I offered a peace talk, in the beginning, I could not comprehend why my counterpart Modi was not willing for dialogues, but only after the Pulwama fiasco followed with our trees being martyred in Balakot, I realized that India was pinning its election campaign on hatred against Pakistan, said PM Imran Khan. I once again reiterate my dialogue offer to Modi while reminding him there’s no other way, he said.