Reset China-US ties via dialogue, respect despite differences

BEIJING: It takes vision, courage and wisdom to restore normalcy to one of the world’s most important bilateral relations which now stand at a key moment.
Just like any bilateral relationship between countries, it is natural for China and the United States to have some differences. The best solution for both sides is to take a rational, positive and constructive approach, focusing on cooperation and managing differences to promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations. By cooperating with each other, China and the United States can accomplish many great things that benefit both countries and the world at large.
Senior Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi on Saturday held a phone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during which both said bilateral relations are very important to the two countries and the world, and they are willing to develop stable and constructive bilateral relations.
Dialogues are necessary. But whether China-U.S. relations could return on track hinges on whether the new U.S. administration would respect the red lines in bilateral relations.
The development of China-U.S. relations has brought great benefits to the people of the two countries and also promoted world peace and prosperity. However, the last four years have seen too much anti-China rhetoric and even hatred from certain U.S. politicians.
People like Mike Pompeo, who used to be America’s top diplomat, have failed to show any zeal in helping solve the world’s real problems. On the contrary, he along with other political arsonists in Washington, staged one political farce after another on the world stage and dug as many holes as possible for future China-U.S. relations.
As the new year has begun and a new U.S. administration has been sworn in, it is imperative to steer China-U.S. ties back to the right course.
The United States should work with China to uphold the spirit of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, focus on cooperation and manage differences, so as to push forward the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations.
China’s policy toward the United States has always maintained a high degree of stability and continuity.
The common interests of China and the United States far outweigh the differences. But it has to be noted that there are certain red lines in bilateral relations. The Taiwan question, the most important and sensitive core issue in China-U.S. relations, bears on China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. As Blinken reiterated, the U.S. side will continue to pursue the one-China policy and abide by the three China-U.S. joint communiques, and this policy stance has not changed.
Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet-related affairs are also China’s internal affairs and allow no interference by external forces. Any attempts to slander and smear China are doomed to fail.
Also, China is committed to the path of peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening-up. It has stated repeatedly that it has no intention to challenge the post-war order or to replace the United States. What China keeps challenging is itself. –Agencies