Pakistani Premier greets Kyrgyz President on assuming Office

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Bishkek: Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Khan congratulated Sadyr Zhaparov on assuming the office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.
According to the press service of the Kyrgyz president, the Pakistani PM’s congratulatory letter says:
“We are confident that your wisdom and rich experience will lead the people of Kyrgyzstan to greater progress and prosperity.
Pakistan and the Kyrgyz Republic have deep ties and cooperative relations. I look forward to working with you to further deepen and expand our multifaceted cooperation and build a stronger partnership in all areas of activity”.
Moreover, Monarchs and heads of a number of countries sent their congratulations to Sadyr Zhaparov over his assumption of office as President of Kyrgyzstan his press service said. Switzerland President Guy Parmelin’s congratulatory message runs:
“Switzerland and the Kyrgyz Republic have a close and constructive dialogue at all diplomatic levels.
I am determined to maintain the friendly relations between our countries and I am convinced that the results achieved so far in areas of mutual interest will be further strengthened and developed. Switzerland will continue to be a partner of the Kyrgyz Republic in the economic development “. King Mohammed VI of Morocco’s telegram:
“I would like to use this opportunity to express my satisfaction with the fruitful cooperation and active solidarity between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Kyrgyz Republic. I look forward to working with you to strengthen and expand our ties in various fields for the benefit of our peoples”.
Following is message from Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro:
“I wish you great success in fulfilling your mandate and assure you of our willingness to work together to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between our countries.”
King of the Netherlands Wilem-Alexander’s congratulatory message says:
“I am confident that the constructive relations between our countries will continue to develop for the benefit and prosperity of our nations during your tenure. I wish you wisdom and success in the important tasks ahead”.
Telegram of Italian President Sergio Mattarella reads as follows:
“I express my hope for the further strengthening of friendly relations between Kyrgyzstan and Italy, both at the bilateral level and in the wider context of relations between Bishkek, the entire Central Asian region and the European Union”.
President of Poland Andrzej Duda’s message to Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparov:
“I wish you all the well-being and many successes in the implementation of the mission. Poland pays close attention to the events currently taking place in the Kyrgyz Republic. I hope that action undertaken will be consistent with the principles of democracy and the rule of law and the Kyrgyz Republic will remain a strong partner of Poland and the European Union”.
In his congratulatory telegram, King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud reaffirmed the interest in everything that will contribute to the development and strengthening of bilateral relations for the development and prosperity of the two brotherly countries.
The King of Saudi Arabia wished President Zhaparov good health and happiness, and further development and prosperity to the brotherly people of Kyrgyzstan.
Following is message from Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud:
“I am pleased to send you, Your Excellency, my most sincere congratulations with best wishes on the occasion of your election as President of the Kyrgyz Republic, and further development and progress to your country and brotherly people”.
Telegram from President of Finland Sauli Niinistö states:
“On the occasion of your election as President of the Kyrgyz Republic, I send to you words of congratulations and wishes for success in your high office, as well as to the people of the Kyrgyz Republic. Please accept my assurances of my highest consideration.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s message says:
“I am pleased that we have raised the bilateral relations between our countries to the level of strategic partnership. I express my hope that cooperation between Hungary and Kyrgyzstan, which has developed in recent years, will continue to develop on the basis of mutual respect”.