Premier Li stresses poverty prevention

BEIJING: Premier Li Keqiang reiterated on Sunday the importance of continuing with policy measures to consolidate the outcomes of poverty alleviation as China continues to revitalize its rural areas.
Li’s comments came during an inspection trip to Yuncheng, Shanxi province. Sitting down with residents of the village of Wucun, he pledged to keep up aid measures to impoverished groups who have just been lifted out of poverty. Li also encouraged migrant workers in the village to remain enterprising and industrious to provide for their families.
China has lifted nearly 100 million people out of poverty in the past eight years, fulfilling its promise of ensuring that all rural residents living below the poverty line were lifted out of poverty by the end of last year. The country’s top leadership has stressed the need to maintain the current aid policies, funding support and forces deployed, along with steps to refine mechanisms that prevent the recurrence of poverty and to continue monitoring counties, villages and groups that have shaken off poverty.
The premier visited a town market, where he purchased regional specialties and inquired about the supply and price of meat and vegetables. With the surge in demand from shoppers during the Spring Festival, which starts this week, the government must ensure food safety and bolster the production of healthy agricultural produce, he said.
Li paid special attention to how rural households heated their homes, pointing out a local heating system that used organic waste such as tree branches and straw as fuel. The government must encourage the use of fuel that suits local conditions in household heating systems, he said. Li asked residents living in a rundown area their views of the renovation of their neighborhood, which has had problems with sewage and a lack of heating. He urged local authorities to expedite the renovation, saying that the central government will continue to channel support for the renovation of shantytowns and old residential communities. At a ZTO Express distribution center, the premier highlighted the role of logistics in the economy, saying that efficiency in the sector will help boost consumption and create jobs.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item