‘Pakistan, China to celebrate 70 years of diplomatic ties’

BEIJING: Pakistan Ambassador to China, Moin ul Haq said on Wednesday that Pakistan and China are planning more than a hundred activities to commemorate the 70 years long diplomatic relations between the two countries. The events would include exchanges of high-level delegations, cultural exhibitions, photographic exhibitions, fashion events and publication of books. “We are also planning to twin a number of cities between China and Pakistan to add to what we already have along with holding the webinars of trade and investment”, he added.
He said, “This year is a special year for China and Pakistan. I hope that this year can mark a new chapter in our relationship, a glorious chapter. With the Chinese Spring Festival approaching, he also wished a happy Chinese New year and extended greetings. He told media that the embassy was also working on many interesting ideas. “We hope to set up a Pakistani special area in the World Park in Beijing. We could name some of the streets in China as well as in Pakistan in the name of a Pakistani or Chinese leader or city”, he said. Pakistan National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser and Chairman of the Chinese National Peoples Congress Li Zhanshu recently have agreed on the formation of a joint parliamentary committee for China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
For the next stage of development of CPEC, Ambassador Haque also shared his opinion. Along the corridor, we are going to set up nine special economic zones.
The government is providing potential incentives, like tax rebates not only to developers but also to the companies which are going to set up their factories there. There is also a very special zone in the Gwadar port. There are 30 to 40 Chinese companies which have shown interest to set up their businesses there, he added. Ambassador Haque believes that the third party’s participation can also be an important role in the next stage of CPEC development. CPEC started as a China-Pakistan bilateral project, but it has always meant to be an inclusive initiator. Because it talks about economic integration, regional connectivity, he said. –Agencies