BJP backs hack attempt on Indian activist’s computer

-Aims to insert incriminating letters on Modi murder plot
-Activist is in prison since June 2018

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Coming to a new low, the Narendra Modi’s government falsely incriminated a writer-activist Rona Jacob Wilson and others for Modi’s assassination plot, by hacking his computer and inserting fake documents.
Arrested in June 2018, in Bhima-Koregaon case, Rona Wilson and others have been charged of plotting to assassinate Modi. The case involved violence at Koregaon Bhima on the outskirts of Pune, where members of the Dalit community had gathered to celebrate what they called a historic victory over Maratha Peshwas.
Later, the police said they have found letters from a suspected Maoist in Rona Wilson’s laptop, which revealed a plot to assassinate PM Narendra Modi. A Massachusetts-based digital forensics firm, revealed that R. Wilson’s computer was hacked 2 years before his arrest, and the purpose was “aggressive surveillance” and inserting fake documents.