Night patrolling plan chalked out

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: DIG Operations Afzaal Ahmad Kausar has finalized a night patrolling plan covering all sectors of the city with a purpose to ensure the safety and security of the citizens. DIG Operations has said that purpose of this patrolling pan is to curb street crime, incidents of house theft as well as car lifting incidents.
Following the directions of IGP Islamabad Qazi Jamil Ur Rehman, he said that efforts are underway to ensure effective policing in the city and secure lives of people. He said that SPs, SDPOs, SHOs, Additional SHOs and other officers will patrol in their respective areas from 08 pm to 12 pm and from 12 pm to 08 am. Checking would also be conducted by erecting pickets at entry and exit points of residential areas, who would ensure checking of suspected and stolen vehicles, motorcycles and suspected persons. DIG Operations said that SP, ASP, DSP, Zonal Incharge will visit four police stations and will check the important Guards and night halting deployment. In an emergency situation, the concerned SP will call SDPO, patrolling officers on the incident place and will generate a comprehensive report. He hoped that desired results would be achieved and citizens to feel more secure through this plan. Afzaal Ahmad Kausar said that, personnel of Islamabad police are performing their duties in an efficient manner despite risk of coronavirus and their moral is very much high.
Meanwhile, DIG Operations appealed the citizens to assist police in combating crime. He said all these measures were being taken to protect the lives and property of the citizens who should also cooperate with police to avoid any inconvenience.