China rejects claims about WHO’s Wuhan mission

BEIJING: Can the US provide all the raw data of its COVID-19 cases? Can it conduct full scale collaboration with the WHO, and can it invite WHO experts to probe virus origins in the country? These were questions asked by FM spokesperson Hua Chunying in response to recent suspicions voiced by Western politicians and media over WHO experts’ work in China.
Speaking at a Thursday conference, Hua said that she noticed relevant reports from Western media that cast doubts on the WHO experts’ investigations into the coronavirus origins in China, citing China’s refusal to share raw data of the coronavirus origin with them as an example.
Those reports are totally inconsistent with WHO experts’ experiences in China, said Hua, noting that the experts are disappointed about the reports, and ashamed about those media outlets.
Her comments came after Western media, including Sky News Australia, claimed that three of the WHO experts had links to Chinese institutions, and UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab criticized the level of access given to the WHO experts.
Hua pointed out that the “independence” those Western politicians always talk about does not equate to listening to the West and assuming guilt on China. The independent report will only be produced on the basis of respecting science and facts.
Experts from China and other countries overcame COVID-19 barriers and sat together, held friendly and in-depth communication with honest and scientific attitudes, said Hua, noting that WHO experts gave high-level credit to China’s cooperation, and were granted access to wherever they wanted to go and met whoever they wanted.
This is what Hua called a scientific and professional attitude, while the interference of certain politicians (in the West) is another example of politics disturbing science.
Hua cited several international reports of COVID-19 cases being found in many places in late 2019, pointing out that the US media has begun to expose Fort Detrick, where unknown respiratory diseases were detected in nearby places. The spokesperson pointed out that these cases were reported by US media, and not fabricated by China. “We are still curious about whether the US can provide all raw data (of its COVID-19 cases).
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item