India continues to back proxy wars against Pakistan

DM Monitoring

LAHORE: India had lodged a proxy war against Pakistan by baking global terrorist outfits, deploying a sufficient military in Afghanistan, thousands of paramilitary soldiers and launching a largish aid programme to count benefits for its people. Furthermore, the Modi regime had provided helicopter gunships to the Afghan National Army, the first shipment of lethal weaponry to Kabul, had further changed the nature of India’s engagement with Afghanistan.
India is using Afghan soil to build and unify various fugitive and terrorist outfits, financed with billions of US dollars, and then being sent to carry out terrorist activities in various cities of Pakistan including Baluchistan and Peshawar. At the intersection of energy-rich Central Asia, Pakistan is globally acknowledged as a pivotal geostrategic state.
Especially after the launch of China Pakistan Economic corridor (CPEC), it has started emerging as a trade and transit hub in South East Asia.With the completion of CPEC, Pakistan would not only ease its internal energy constraints through earning revenue in terms of rents and transit fees, but will also improve its strategic footing through generating regional stakes in its stability.
To sabotage the game-changer corridor project, India is playing the role of a spoiler and making all-out attempts to sabotage it through political upheaval.
According to the official sources of the South Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI), a renowned think tank, Pakistan had emerged as a new hub of economy directly linked with China and the Central Asian states providing the shortest route. The 3,200km-long corridor is intended to connect the world’s second largest economy, China, with the Middle East and Central Asia by reducing an alternative sea route distance via the Malacca Strait around 10,000km.
For Pakistan, the combined value of the CPEC infrastructure projects would be equivalent to 17 percent of Pakistan’s GDP in 2015, while the economic corridor would create some 700,000 direct jobs between 2015 and 2030, by adding up to 2.5 percent to the country’s growth rate.
It is worth mentioning here that Pakistan foreign office in November, 2020 had issued a dossier containing ‘irrefutable evidence’ about Indian-sponsored terrorism through huge funding, raising Modi-led $500 million anti-China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) cell and the unification of terror outfits to intensify terrorism in the country. Noted security analyst Imtiaz Gull told that Pakistan foreign office role was commendable to consistently sensitising the world community and continually exposing India to not let the International community be misled by Indian propaganda.
The world community and the United Nations counter-terrorism mechanism should be fostered to react on the dossier which had been presented by Pakistan with incontrovertible evidences of Indian state-sponsored terrorism,” he said.Following the February peace deal between the US and the Afghan Taliban group, there has been a marked escalation in the terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which are most often claimed by the above mentioned group, which originates in Afghanistan, he observed.
A United Nations’ (UN) monitoring team report reveals that, in Afghanistan around 6,000 to 6,500 local Taliban, fugitive militants from other parts of the world belong to the various factions of the banned outfit Tehreek-i-Taliban. These groups had established their bases located in eastern Afghanistan, the report reveals. While many recent terrorist attacks in Pakistan have been traced to Tehreek-i- Taliban splinter groups backed and funded by India and some of the fugitive militants have joined the self-styled and self-defined Islamic State (IS) group.