Punjab Talent Hunt held at PUCAR

By Minahil Makhdoom

RAWALPINDI: Punjab Council of the Arts Rawalpindi (PUCAR) on Wednesday organized Punjab Talent Hunt competitions in poetry, fiction and painting at the district level in Rawalpindi. Vice Chairman PHA Malik Abid Hussain who was special guest of the competitions while addressing on the occasion said that our youth are very creative, Talent Hunt will further enhance the art of the youth.
He said the interest of students in poetry and fiction is commendable. In the painting competitions, the children have given a message of peace to the world by painting beautiful pictures of Pakistan, he added. Director Arts Council Waqar Ahmed said that in line with the vision of Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Usman Bazar, a Talent Hunt Program has been launched to promote arts and culture in the province. Talent hunt has helped in highlighting the creativity of our children, he added.
Prizes were awarded for positions in poetry, fiction and painting. Hundreds of students from schools, colleges and universities participated in the competitions.