27 more countries to get Chinese Vaccines

BEIJING: China is exporting COVID-19 vaccines to 27 countries and providing vaccine aid to 53 countries in need, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Thursday.
“We will continue to work with other parties to promote equitable distribution of vaccines around the world and join hands with all countries to fight the pandemic,” he said.
Earlier on Wednesday Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed willingness to continue its cooperation with Mongolia and Sri Lanka on COVID-19 during phone calls with his counterparts from the two countries.
In the face of the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic, governments and peoples of China and Mongolia have shared the weal and woe, and reached out to each other with assistance and support, lifting the bilateral ties to a new level, Wang told the newly-appointed Mongolian Foreign Minister Batmunkh Battsetseg. Noting that the touching story of Mongolia donating 30,000 sheep to China is widely known in both countries and the vaccines sent by China have arrived recently in Mongolia, Wang said he expects the two sides can further strengthen anti-pandemic cooperation until the pandemic is completely defeated.
For her part, Battsetseg thanked China for its selfless help to her country in fighting the pandemic, saying that the two countries have maintained the development momentum of bilateral ties and have continuously strengthened practical cooperation amid the pandemic, setting a good example of how countries support each other in response to adversities. During the phone conversation with Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena, Wang said China is ready to enhance anti-pandemic cooperation with Sri Lanka, continue to provide vaccine assistance to the country and take concrete actions to help Sri Lanka defeat the pandemic at an early date.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN
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