Employees involved in Galwan conflict honored

BEIJING: A Chinese drone company whose products are used by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in border defense missions honored two employees who were involved in the conflict between Chinese and Indian troops in the Galwan Valley in June last year, as they fearlessly supported the PLA in dangerous reconnaissance missions. Zhao Bo and Shi Zhilong, two employees of the Shenzhen-based drone company Keweitai Enterprise Development Co, acted valiantly and supported the PLA troops in drone reconnaissance missions despite dangerous conditions and the harsh environment at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters in the Galwan Valley, the company revealed in a statement on Wednesday, giving the two awards and urging others to learn from their example.
Zhao and Shi also helped the PLA medical teams in aiding the wounded and prepared meals for the troops when kitchen squads became shorthanded, the statement said, noting that Zhao suffered a fracture in his left foot and a sprain in his right hand, and Shi suffered from serious altitude sickness during the process. Both employees said they were proud of their deeds, according to the statement. According to Keweitai’s public WeChat account, the company’s multi-rotor drones are widely used by the PLA Xinjiang Military Command to monitor and control the border, and by the PLA troops in Southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region to transport supplies to isolated border defense outposts. In June 2020, the Indian military violated the previous consensus and trespassed over the Line of Actual Control, and despite the Chinese military’s attempt to peacefully negotiate, the Indian troops used force which eventually ended up in a conflict that resulted in the death of 20 Indian military personnel and four Chinese officers and soldiers, as the Chinese troops pushed back against Indian aggression.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item