Kashmiris to continue struggle for freedom: AJK President

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MIRPUR (AJK): Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan Monday said that irrespective of what the situation is, the people of Kashmir will continue their liberation struggle and they will never make a compromise on their undeniable right to self-determination.
The President made these remarks while talking to a delegation of Ulema which called on him here under the leadership of the Central Secretary General of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Jammu and Kashmir, Maulana Imtiaz Ahmed Abbasi in the State’s metropolis, AJK President office said. “We consider it as an article of our faith to raise our voice against what India is doing in occupied Kashmir, and to take the voice of the oppressed Kashmiris to the international community,” he asserted.
He said that we are proud that our religious parties and Ulema have always enthusiastically played their role in the struggle for the liberation of occupied territory form the illegal Indian occupation. Khan urged the Ulema to use mosques, seminaries, shrines and every other available platform to project Kashmir liberation movement and to highlight Indian repression in occupied Kashmir, and thus promote the national cause. AJK President said that the state and people of Pakistan will continue their strong and steadfast support for the people of Kashmir till the realisation of their inalienable right to self-determination in accordance with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.
Referring to the demand for an increase in the honorarium of Qaris who teaching Quran in mosques and seminaries and setting up of the Arabic language department at the Azad Jammu and Kashmir University, the state president said that a meeting of Tajveedul Quran Trust would be convened soon while the matter of setting up of Arabic department would be discussed in the meeting of the university senate.
Earlier, the leader of the delegation Maulana Imtiaz Ahmed Abbasi invited the attention of the AJK president said that 1,657 Qaris imparting Koranic education under Tajveedul Koran Trust were paid only Rs 8,000 per month. Therefore, the state president should take a personal interest to make at least 100 per cent increase in it so that Qaris are able to overcome their financial hardships and focus on preaching Koranic teachings.
He said that religious parties and religious figures have always played a positive role in regard to the Kashmir liberation movement and they will always stand with our brothers and sisters in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.