CPPCC vows to improve cooperation with foreigners

BEIJING: The National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) vowed on Wednesday to continue to actively carry out foreign exchanges and strengthen friendship and cooperation with people from various countries.
“China is a peace-loving country, and we have always made friends with a wide range of people,” said Guo Weimin, spokesperson for the fourth session of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC.
“Carrying out international friendly exchanges is an important function and task of the CPPCC. In recent years, the CPPCC has actively carried out high-level contacts and multi-level exchanges,” Guo introduced.
Up to now, the CPPCC has developed friendly relations with 337 organizations and institutions in 157 countries as well as 15 international and regional organizations, Guo detailed.
The CPPCC will further give full play to its unique advantages and characteristics and actively promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, he noted.
Responding to a reporter’s question on China’s declining national image according to some international polls, Guo said the reason is complicated as the results might be affected by some foreigners’ lack of understanding of China as well as the misleading of some anti-China politicians.
For a period of time, some anti-China politicians have been smearing China on issues such as the pandemic, Hong Kong and Xinjiang, fabricating rumors and confusing the public, which might impact some Western people’s impression of China, Guo said.
In this regard, the CPPCC has explained China’s position, refuted false statements, and safeguarded our national sovereignty, security and development interests, Guo stressed.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN
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