Police Investigation Officers directed to improve performance

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: DIG Operations Afzaal Ahmed Kausar has directed investigation officers to complete probe on pending cases within two weeks and ensure justice to people.
He stated this while reviewing the performance of investigation officers in murder, dacoity and theft cases during a meeting attended by SSP Investigation Atta-ur-Rehman and all Investigation Officers.
DIG Operations asked about the under-investigation cases one by one and appreciated three investigation officers over good performance. He assigned the task to investigation officers to complete probe on pending cases within 7-14 days as their performance will be reviewed in this regard after expiry of deadline. Those showing bad performance in this regard would have to face disciplinary action, the DIG Operations added.
He asked investigation officers to remain in contact with complainants and satisfy them by informing progress about cases. Investigation on all cases should be completed on merit, the DIG Operations said adding that justice to every complainant is the responsibility of police.
He urged them to adopt positive approach for success in professional and personal life and try to compensate those visiting the police stations. In guise of complainant, DIG Operations Afzaal Ahmed Kausar visited the Khanna police station in early morning on Friday and directed to issue show cause notices to those policemen absent from duty at Sahulat Centre. He awarded commendation certificate to Naib Muharrar Naseer Ahmed for his courteous attitude and efficient dealing.