Human rights start from poverty alleviation

Absolute poverty in Chinese society has been eliminated. To achieve the goal, this large developing country with a population of 1.4 billion must have firm political determination and the durable cooperation of society. It is not uncommon for us to feel sympathy and help poor people on social media platforms, and often can produce earth-moving effects. China’s fight against poverty, however, is facing nearly 100 million poor people in rural areas. What a long, tenacious commitment this requirexxs. If there is any greed for merit or vanity in the original intention, this mission would have failed halfway. This is the most unforgettable and unpretentious humanitarianism. China is a socialist country and its people-centered approach is not a rhetorical slogan, but its true commitment. It has taken several years and successive steps in this great cause, which has never been seen before in the history of China and mankind. There are countless touching stories of helping poor people. However, what many people may not expect is how many human tragedies will be prevented and how many conditions and hopes will be added to people’s pursuit of equality because of this decisive battle against poverty. Some may worry about the quality of the achievements made in poverty alleviation, raising the possibility that they may return to poverty. Yet those familiar with the grand project know that the government has paid attention to these issues much earlier than those proposed online, and that the effort to deal with them is one of the most lasting clues to local governance. At the international level, China’s declaration of eliminating absolute poverty in the country coincided with the climax of fierce attacks on China’s human rights by the Five Eyes alliance countries such as the US, the UK, and Canada as well as some other Western countries. When the US and other countries are playing up “political and human rights” in China, China has made concrete achievements in eliminating poverty. While the US death toll from the COVID-19 epidemic has reached 500,000, China has successfully protected its own people. This is an unprecedented collision between “saying” and “doing” in the field of human rights. Poverty can be seen as the root cause of human rights violations. Most people around the world can understand what it means to be poor. Often the overriding desire of the poor is to lift themselves and even their offspring out of poverty. The Chinese government has lifted a population the size of the UK and Canada combined out of absolute poverty over the past eight years and set a new course in life for them, many of which are Uygur people in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This is how China has carried out human rights construction.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item