BRI cooperation needs new avenues

BEIJING: At the beginning of 2021, the situation looks better in China and the rest of the world. China is striving to maintain its success in eliminating COVID-19 cases domestically and fostering immunity for its 1.4-billion population. The more the vaccination process gains ground, the more it is likely that lives will return to normalcy.
While supporting the global fight against the virus, China is also pushing ahead with Belt and Road cooperation. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made references to it in his press conference on the sidelines of the annual session of the 13th National People’s Congress, the country’s top legislature, on March 7.
COVID-19 may have changed the world, but the need for Belt and Road cooperation has not subsided, he said, adding, “As we pursue a new development paradigm, we will explore better pathways for Belt and Road cooperation and offer greater opportunities to Belt and Road Initiative partners… Together, we can turn Belt and Road cooperation into a journey toward common development and prosperity for all.”
He also highlighted the progress made in Belt and Road cooperation in 2020 in spite of COVID-19, mentioning projects such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in Pakistan, the high-speed railway linking Indonesia’s capital Jakarta with one of its largest cities Bandung, the China-Laos Railway expected to open late this year, as well as the China-Budapest-Belgrade rail project. The foreign minister also spoke of the initiative as a significant parameter in the development of China’s relations with Russia and African and Arab countries.
– The Daily Mail-Beijing Review News exchange item