Human Resource Development: Youth as a National Dividend

By Palwasha Nawaz

Human Resource Development (HRD) is essential for the development of any country in terms of advanced dynamics of the economic development andpolicy-orientation process. In recent times, the obsolete and dysfunctional principles of economic development are replaced by modern trends and patterns. The area of employment is changing dramatically. In this aspect, globalization and technology are offering a rationale coherence for upgrading and revising the world’s narratives and policies to keep up with the time.The effectiveness of any institution lies in the development and quality of human resource practices that have the potential to improve employee competencies. It is based on three pertinent elements. For example, organizational development, training/skill development and career opportunities.
The youth always playa significant role development of any state.Having the youth bulge is not a challenge rather a great potential, a nation possesses in terms of producing exceptional human resources. However, the challenge lies in the capacity building and management that how to accommodate and provide multi-dimensionalopportunities to the youth and upgrade their living standard. In this regard,Human resources management plays a vital role in achieving sustainable competitive advantage and enhance individual’s effectiveness.In present times, a variety of HRD techniques have been developed to perform the relevant tasks based on significant principles. This study aims to examine thedifferent dimensions of human resource development, practices and the role of Youth as a national asset.
Human Resource Development and the Youth:Analyzing Limitations
Due to the existing gap, createdby both supply and demand mechanisms,human resource management is facing certain issues. The reason can be theinstitutional hurdles and lack of opportunities that have often limited young people to explore such vocational projects. People usually associate vocational training with a low academic performance that could be a hurdle for future. Moreover, low level of opportunities in such institutes, and outdated learning environments also keep potentialyouth away from the relevant institutes. The lack of information and research about available training facilities and soft skill development is also one of the major risks in developing capable human resources.
Purpose of Human Resource Development:
The HRD is viewed as an important pillarofsurging productivity, enhancing employment and better development. In this aspect, some of the most important benefits are mentioned below:
• Development of new skills, attitudes and knowledge
• Increase employment opportunities
• Enhance acceptability towards transformation
• Producing problem-solving capabilities
• Offers training programs
• Personality development
• Soft skill development
The process of HRD aimed at the development and improvement of human resources through continuing academicand training programs to support the youthwith corequalifications toperform their functions effectively.
Role of Youth as a National Dividend:
The future of humanity relies on the young generation. The countries that do not facilitate their young generation are likely to go grinding halt in the process of social and human resource development. When the young generation tends to get associated with communal activities, they develop strong abilities or required skills for statesmanship.
Their participation in the decision-making process is the key element in shaping a brighter future. In recent times, researchers, policymakers, diplomats and governments are agreed on the view that interaction and participation of youth is a key element in generating quality of thehuman resource. Youth engagement towards a constructive mechanism of cooperation is defined as “meaning full participation and sustained involvement of a young person in an activity, with a focus outside of him or herself “.Furthermore, in public youth engagements, the research is amid two theories that reflect the pillars of meaningful interaction of youth in the global arena, facilitated by the country.
a) The Positive Youth Development Theory
The youth development theory attempt to explain the foundation of creating an effective and resilient community where the youth have interaction and positive engagement with the adults’ support. In times of difficulty faced by the youth, the community will have the capacity to support youth. As the community is based on an inclusive and comprehensive vision, its role is substantial to discuss here.It will allow youngsters to overcome the adversities and adopt those vision which would nourish their career and lifestyle. Bringing up youth in such communities will make them value them to work with.
b) The Attachment Theory
The attachment theory revolves around the concept of long-term meaning full relationships. In the past, the theory has been used in the field of psychology to describe the bond between mother and infant. This can be seen in the prism of youth and the community as well. The role of community/institution and persistent attachment of a young person with it envisaged the same relation that is to nourish youth abilities and provide them opportunities to enhance their potential. When the youth is allowed to freely participate at different forums provided by the state, it curtails the orthodox problems of capacity building and effectiveness.
–The writer is Project Executive, Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad.