Analysis of existing challenges, policy options in education system

By Madiha Ghaffar

In the 21sts century, the world is progressing towards modernization and advanced trends, therebychanging almost everydimensionof life. Modern trends and innovation have replaced dysfunctional and obsolete ways. In this regard, the education sector is also experiencinga vital transformation. For national progress, education is a key pillar. It enables a person for cognitive thinking and makes them realize their rights and duties regarding the state’s development.In this aspect, the youth of a country is the major dividends. Educational institutions including, schools, colleges oruniversitiesare the largest producers of human resource and knowledge.
Education seeks to promote good qualities and draw out the best from every individual.In this regard, advanced technologies can play an important role inenhancing the spheres of academic sector and creating a knowledge-based economy.This is an erawhere countries’ strength and superiorityare associated with the amount of up-to-date information they possess. Now, the modern education system is not limited to the classroom. Multiple means of learning have been introduced, which has provideda conduciveenvironment tocontinue education in an effective way.
The technological transformation and the expansion of communication and information facilities have made more diverse patterns of getting information. In this aspect, this study aims to explain the need for modern education in Pakistan and the existing challenges that have plagued the education system for quite a long time.
The article also provides a way-forward to tackle the existing issues in the educational sector vis-à-vis the needed structural changes in the relevant field.
Education System:Vision and Background
Education is the very foundation of the development of the main pillars of a country i.e., economy, society and politics.Pakistanfounding fathers envisioned“education” as a main driving force in achieving the national goals. In 1974, the first national education conference held in Karachi.
The key-takeaway of the conference was that the education system would work according to the national aspirations. The main goal of father of the nation Quaid-e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was to develop the youth’s national character through education. Since the inception, various educational commissions were formed. Committees were also constituted for strengthening the role of education. However, the implementation has been abysmal.
Modern Education System in Pakistan: Challenges and Analysis
Pakistan is a developing country has faced critical problems in educationand thereforethere are challenges to deliver according to the nation’s aspirations.
There aresubstantial socioeconomic disparities that exist in the country, therebycreating a gapin making a robust academic discourse. Thesedisparities are not just confined between urban and rural regions but also among provinces.
The educational outcomes have experienced daunting impacts in acquiring primary education because of socio-economic disparity.According to an analysis, the literacy rate in the cities like Islamabad, Lahore,and Karachi issapproximately 75%.However, the literacy percentage is quite low in many regions of Sindh and Balochistani.e., 9 %.
Due to the weak internal policy mechanism,the educational sector has suffered badly. Another major problem is the existing raptures between the community and educational institutions.
In present times, the relationship between these two important pillars is crucial. Association with the community provides the best advantage to the student to get exposure and allow them to learn the essential academic course and other significant skills. In this aspect, attachment theory can be best fitted to explain the affiliation of students with community/Institutes. The attachment theory revolves around the concept of long-term meaning full relationships. In the past, the theory has been used in psychology to describe the bond between mother and infant. This relation can be seen in the prism of youth and the community as well.
The role of community/institution and persistent attachment of a student, envisaged the same relation to nourish youth abilities and provide them opportunities to enhance their potential. When a student is allowed to freely participate at different forums provided by the state, it eliminates the traditional building capacity and effectivenessproblems. Despite feeling dis-engaged, hopeless and undervalue, young students effectively participate in the process of advancementoutrightly.
According to research, students who are associated with the activities and tasks of a community are less likely to use alcohol or drugs, drop out of college and get involved in anti-social or criminal activities. They hold optimistic and practical demeanors and a healthy mindset.
Moreover, parents’ involvement in the process of education of their children is vital for ensuring the quality aspect. Without their involvement, the implementation of policies will remain a far cry.
–The Author is Media & Communication Manager, Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad