Hindu fascism in India

Indian Police of the city of Ghaziabad arrested a Hindu man for assaulting a Muslim boy for drinking water at a temple on Saturday, after a video of the brutal assault went viral over the social media. According to reports, Police arrested a person namely Yadav who thrashed mercilessly a Muslim boy Asif and currently investigating the case. This is not the single incident in India, rather such incidents happen every single day across the Country. Some time ago, a 24 years old young Muslim, Tabrez Ansari was lynched in similar way by a violent mob in Eastern State of JharKhand. The violent mob was forcing the young Muslim to chant, ‘Jai Shri Ram’ and ‘Jai Hanuman and the helpless boy was begging for mercy from the fanatic Hindus mob. According to the family of the victim, they were threatened by the police with a similar fate when they begged to get the boy treated. The violence against Muslims and other minority communities has become common phenomenon in India over the recent few years. The vicious incidents have been on rise during the rule of Narendra Modi led BJP government in the neighboring country. In fact, the survival of the BJP’s Hindutva philosophy lies in fuming hatred and violence from other religion and even Hindu’s Casts on the so-called superficiality of upper-class Hindus. The situation became so worst that the Hindu extremists had made the lives of Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and Hindu Dalits, miserable. There is no place for these people in India, where they can feed their families in a peaceful and secure environment. There are unaccountable isolated violent cases which could not be reported by the media. However, numerous largescale violent incidents occurred in India in the recent past, which clearly exposed the true face of Indian Secularism. According to Human Rights Watch, in the heart of Indian’s capital city New Delhi, a violent Hindu mob targeted Muslim community and killed at least 53 people, injured over 200, destroyed their millions of properties, and displaced them for the sake of their religious fanaticism. The BJP is following its agenda of transforming India into an extremist Hindu State and for that objective, Hindus extremists are ready to throw rest of the Indians in the bey of Bengal or to push them out of the Country.