Dialogue, win-win are right choices for China-US relations

BEIJING: With all the world’s eyes upon them, China and the United State have wrapped up their high-level strategic dialogue held in Anchorage, Alaska.
Undoubtedly, the China-U.S. relationship is one of the most important bilateral ties in today’s world. Therefore, for the two sides, dialogue is always better than confrontation.
During this round of dialogue, the two sides conducted candid, in-depth and constructive communication on their respective domestic and foreign policies, China-U.S. relations, and major international and regional issues of common concern.
They expressed their willingness to enhance cooperation or coordination in some specific areas. For instance, the two sides are committed to strengthening dialogue and cooperation in the field of climate change and will establish a joint working group on that subject. In the spirit of reciprocity and mutual benefit, the two sides will hold talks on facilitating activities of each other’s diplomatic and consular missions and personnel, as well as on issues related to media reporters.
The talks in Anchorage once again proved that communication and dialogue based on mutual respect can help the two sides increase trust, reduce misperceptions, properly manage differences and promote mutually beneficial cooperation.
What needs to be clarified is that the fundamental purpose of China’s development is to ensure that the Chinese people can live a better life and to benefit all humankind. Win-win cooperation is an important principle of China’s development and a golden rule in China’s external relations. China has no intention to interfere in the political system of the United States, nor challenge or replace its status and influence.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN News exchange item