China, US hold timely, helpful high-level strategic dialogue

ANCHORAGE: Senior Chinese and U.S. officials concluded here Friday a high-level strategic dialogue that both sides believe was timely and helpful and deepened mutual understanding.
Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan attended the two-day dialogue in the Alaskan city of Anchorage.
It was the first high-level contact between the two countries after Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart, Joe Biden, had a phone call on the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year, and the first face-to-face talks between high-level officials of the two sides since Biden took office in January.
During the Anchorage talks, the two sides conducted candid, in-depth, long-time and constructive communication on their respective domestic and foreign policies, China-U.S. relations and major international and regional issues of common concern.
Noting that they came at the invitation of the U.S. side, the Chinese delegation recalled that on the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year, Xi and Biden successfully held a telephone conversation and agreed that the two sides need to strengthen communication, manage differences and expand cooperation, which is of great significance in guiding the growth of China-U.S. relations in the time to come. The Chinese delegation pointed out that it was an important step to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state in their phone talks that the Chinese side came to Anchorage at the invitation of the U.S. side for the high-level strategic dialogue, which was decided by the two presidents personally. – Agencies
In the past few years, due to the irrational suppression of China’s legitimate rights and interests, China-U.S. relations have encountered unprecedented difficulties, the delegation said, stressing that this situation has damaged the interests of both nations and taken its toll on world stability and development, and should not be allowed to continue.
China, added the delegation, is ready to work with the United States to enhance strategic communication, advance mutually beneficial cooperation, properly manage differences and push forward bilateral relations on the track of sound and stable development, so as to create benefits for the people in both countries and promote long-lasting peace and prosperity of the world.
The Chinese delegation emphasized that it is the choice of history and the Chinese people for the CPC to govern, and that China’s development cannot be achieved without the leadership of the CPC, which is a high consensus among the Chinese people and a general view of the international community.
Noting that the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the system that best fits China’s conditions and the secret to China’s development, the delegation pointed out that practice has proved that the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the right path, and China will continue to march forward on that broad road.
The governing status of the CPC and the security of China’s socialist system should not be damaged, and that is a red line that should never be crossed, stressed the Chinese delegation.
China’s development goal is consistent and clear, which is to realize the two centenary goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation through hard work, the delegation said, adding that the fundamental purpose is to ensure a better life for all Chinese people, which is the starting point of all China’s policies.
Emphasizing that China will ground its efforts in the new development stage, apply the new development philosophy, foster a new development paradigm, and achieve high-quality development, the Chinese delegation said no one can deprive the Chinese people of their right to pursue a better life.
China, added the delegation, always attaches great importance to the protection and promotion of human rights, and gives priority to improving people’s well-being and promoting well-rounded human development.
The delegation also stressed that socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics is all people’s democracy and consultative democracy, whose core is the people being masters of the country.
China, it added, will not impose its democratic system and values on other countries, and meanwhile will resolutely defend its own political system and values and oppose any attempt to use the human rights issue as a cover to attack and smear China or interfere in China’s internal affairs.
The fundamental goal of China’s development is to fulfill people’s aspirations for a better life at home and contribute through its own development to the development and progress of all humankind, said the delegation.
China has no intention to interfere in the political system of the United States, or to challenge or replace its status and influence, it said, adding that at the same time, the U.S. side should have a correct view of China’s political system and development path, of China’s major policies and principles, and of China’s influence on the world.
The leadership role of the CPC and the core status of the CPC’s leader result from China’s arduous practice and enjoy the wholehearted support of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, said the delegation, noting that this collective will is rock-solid and unshakable.
The Chinese delegation pointed out that China firmly pursues an independent foreign policy of peace, adheres to independence, peaceful development, win-win cooperation, multilateralism, equity and justice, and continuously promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.
China, it added, will resolutely safeguard its sovereignty and national dignity, firmly oppose other countries’ meddling in China’s internal affairs, and independently decide its policies and positions in line with the fundamental interests of the Chinese people as well as people around the world, and on the basis of the merits of various issues.
China itself is committed to the path of peaceful development, and hopes that other countries will also pursue a path of peaceful development, and that all countries will transcend their differences in social system, civilization and religion, and achieve peaceful coexistence and common prosperity, said the delegation.
Win-win cooperation is an important principle of China’s development and a golden rule in China’s external relations, it pointed out, adding that China has made its development achievements in an open environment, and will promote high-quality development in the next phase with greater openness.
Describing multilateralism as an important cornerstone of the current international system, the Chinese delegation stressed that true multilateralism should uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respect the basic norms governing international relations, the sovereignty of countries around the world, and the diversity of civilizations, and commit to the democratization of international relations.
It should not be used as a cover to form cliques, turn back the wheel of history, incite division along ideological lines, or instigate confrontation between different groups, added the delegation.
China, it said, is ready to work with the United States to uphold true multilateralism in multilateral mechanisms, represented by the United Nations, and provide more public goods with better quality for the international community.
It added that China consistently maintains that all countries — big or small, rich or poor, strong or weak — are equal members of the international community, and that decisions should not be made by simply showing off strong muscles or waving big fists, nor should the big and the strong be allowed to bully the small and the weak.
Stressing that the voices of developing countries should be heard and their rights and interests protected, the Chinese delegation said that respectively as the world’s largest developing and developed country, China and the United States should join hands to deepen South-North cooperation, including cooperation in third-party markets for developing countries, and promote the realization of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
The essence of China-U.S. relations is mutual benefit rather than a zero-sum game, said the Chinese delegation, adding that China and the United States are not doomed to pose a threat to each other, differences are no reason for confrontation between them, and neither side can afford the consequences of conflict and confrontation.
China and the United States, it said, should trust rather than suspect each other, understand rather than blame each other, work with rather than obstruct each other, and ensure that they focus on dealing with their domestic priorities and achieving their respective development goals.
It suggested the two countries cooperate on three most pressing tasks facing the international community, namely fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, tackling climate change and promoting world economic recovery.
The two sides, it added, should also strengthen communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, eliminate interruptions to bilateral cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and make the cake of cooperation bigger, so as to deliver more benefits to the people in both countries and beyond.
Meanwhile, cooperation should be two-way and mutually beneficial, and should address the concerns of both sides in a balanced way, stressed the Chinese delegation.
Noting that the Chinese side has maintained a high degree of stability and continuity in its policy towards the United States, the delegation said China is committed to non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation with the United States, while firmly safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests.
The two sides, it added, should follow the spirit of the Xi-Biden telephone conversation to keep communication channels open, restore normal dialogue and exchange mechanisms, carry out win-win cooperation, properly manage differences, and avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation.
The two countries have the responsibility, ability and wisdom to find a way for major countries with different political systems to get along with each other, which will be a historic contribution by China and the United States to human civilization, said the Chinese delegation.
The delegation pointed out that in the past few years, the previous U.S. administration went against the trend of the times, and carried out highly erroneous anti-China policies, which seriously damaged both China’s interests and China-U.S. relations.
Because of that, China had to take legitimate and necessary measures to safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests, added the Chinese delegation, while urging the U.S. side to eliminate the impact of the previous administration’s wrong policy towards China and meanwhile avoid creating new problems.
The Chinese delegation also pointed out that the Taiwan question relates to China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and concerns China’s core interests, and there is no room for compromise and concession.
China, it added, urges the U.S. side to abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques, stop official exchanges and military contacts with and arms sales to Taiwan, and cease helping Taiwan expand its so-called “international space.”
The U.S. side should handle the Taiwan question in a careful and proper manner, and do not send wrong signals to “Taiwan independence” forces or try to cross China’s bottom line, so as to prevent China-U.S. relations as well as peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait from suffering serious damage, added the Chinese delegation.
The electoral system in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) is a local electoral system in China, and how to design, develop and improve it is China’s domestic affair, the delegation said, adding that no foreign government, organization or individual has the right to interfere.
Improving HKSAR’s electoral system must follow the principle of “patriots administering Hong Kong,” it said, urging the United States to abide by international law and the basic norms governing international relations, respect the decision of China’s National People’s Congress on improving Hong Kong’s electoral system, and stop supporting “Hong Kong independence” forces.
It also called on the U.S. side to revoke illegal sanctions against Chinese officials and institutions, stop trying to mess up Hong Kong again, and cease obstructing China’s implementation of “one country, two systems.”
If the United States continues to go its own way, China will make firm responses, the delegation said.
The claim that there is genocide in China’s Xinjiang is the biggest lie of the century, said the Chinese delegation.
The Chinese side is ready to engage in exchanges with the U.S. side on the basis of mutual respect, and the door of Xinjiang is wide open to the world, said the delegation.
However, China will not accept any investigation in Xinjiang based on the presumption of guilt by those who are biased, condescending or behaving like a preacher, it said.
It is hoped that the U.S. side can respect facts, call off attacks against and smearing of China’s Xinjiang policy, and abandon double standards on anti-terrorism, it added.
The Chinese delegation pointed out that the 14th Dalai Lama is a political exile who has long been engaged in anti-China separatist activities under the guise of religion.
It is hoped that the U.S. side will abide by its commitment to recognizing Tibet as part of China and refraining from supporting “Tibet independence,” carefully and properly handle Tibet-related issues, revoke sanctions against relevant Chinese officials, and cease exploiting Tibet-related issues to interfere in China’s internal affairs, added the delegation.
The two sides agreed to follow the spirit of the Xi-Biden telephone conversation on Feb. 11 to maintain dialogue and communication, conduct mutually beneficial cooperation, avoid misunderstanding and misjudgment, forestall conflict and confrontation, and promote sound and steady development of China-U.S. relations.
Both sides expressed the hope to continue such type of high-level strategic communication.
Both sides committed to enhancing dialogue and cooperation in the field of climate change, and they agreed to establish a joint working group on climate change.
The United States reiterated its adherence to the one-China policy on the Taiwan question.
The two sides discussed making reciprocal arrangements for the COVID-19 vaccination of each side’s diplomats and consular officials.
They agreed to hold talks on facilitating activities of each other’s diplomatic and consular missions and personnel, as well as on issues related to media reporters, in the spirit of reciprocity and mutual benefit.
The two sides also discussed adjusting relevant travel and visa policies according to the epidemic situation, and gradually normalizing personnel exchanges between China and the United States.
They also exchanged views on a series of other topics, including economy and trade, military, law enforcement, culture, health, cyber security, climate change, the Iranian nuclear issue, Afghanistan, the Korean Peninsula and Myanmar, and agreed to maintain and enhance communication and coordination.
The two sides said they will step up coordination and consultation on activities within such multilateral frameworks as the Group of 20 and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.