Mobile phone explosion kills teenage girl

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GUJRANWALA: In a tragic incident, a 13-year-old girl burned to death after headphones she had on caught fire in Punjab’s Gujranwala, rescue officials said on Sunday.
The incident occurred in a village on the city’s outskirts. The teenager, named Mushfiqa, was using headphones connected to a mobile phone while it was charging, the rescue officials said, adding she was completely burned after the headphones caught fire all of a sudden. The girl’s death is the latest in a series of incidents involving the use of smartphones while they are charged.
Later in the day, in a major development, the investigation into the death of a Gujranwala girl who burned to death after headphones

she had on caught fire has revealed that fire erupted in the house due to gas leakage.
According to police, the victim’s family in a statement recoded to police has said that the teenage girl was using headphones connected to a mobile phone while it was charging and was on call when the mobile phone exploded.
The family of the teenage girl further told police that there was also a gas leakage in the house which might be the main reason behind the fire in the house beside the short circuit.