Provision of Indus Water Treaty

Pakistan India Indus Water Commissioners will hold dialogues under the Indus Water Treaty during forthcoming 116th meeting scheduled to be held on 23-24 March in New Delhi, India. It was shared by the Pakistan Foreign Office Spokesperson Mr. Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry during weekly news briefing in Islamabad. He said that Pakistan Indus Water Commissioner Syed Mehar Ali Shah would lead the Pakistani Delegation during the visit and several issues relating to three western rivers would be discussed during the meeting with Indian authorities. Mr. Chaudhry said that these dialogues are being held under Indus water treaty specifically on water related issues. As per reports, Pakistan would raise its concerns over two Indian hydropower projects being constructed over the rivers deputed to Pakistan under Indus Water Treaty. These include Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Power Project (1000 MW) on river Marusudar, a tributary of river Chenab in district Kishtwar and 48 Maga watt Lower Kalnai hydroelectric Power Project in Doda district of IIOJK. As per the provision of Indus Water Treaty, the meeting of both Water Commissioner should be held once in a year, however, it could not be materialized over last two years due non-cooperation by the Indian government. Pakistan India remain contact under the provisions of Indus Water Treaty for smooth working and exchange of flood information on the rivers entering Pakistan from Indian territory. Since form the early 1950s, India adapted a corrosive approach on water issue and tried to hinder the flow of water by manipulating the situation. India has built several dams and barrages on three western rivers whose water was totally reserved for Pakistan’s use under IWT of 1960. The cases, Pakistan going to object are not the new initiatives undertaken by India. In fact, Indian government awarded the contract for construction of Pakal Dul hydro-Project in February 2014, scheduled to be completed in 2018. Whereas, Lower Kalnai project was awarded in September 2013 scheduled to be completed by 2017. Pakistan Indus Water Commissioner is raising the issue with its Indian Counterpart by the lapse of 7-8 years. Where was it before and what would be the benefit of these delayed objections. The nation must question this misappropriate conduct of Indus Water Commissioner over construction of two projects by India.