US genocide claims in Xinjiang termed as absurd lie of the century

BEIJING: The US arbitrarily alleged “genocide” in Xinjiang based on lies and false information from some anti-China forces, which is an absurd lie of the century, a grave insult to the Chinese people and a severe trampling on international laws and basic norms governing international relations, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, after the US released its annual human rights report criticizing China’s Xinjiang policies.
“The US has no right to accuse China over human rights. It’s time for some US politicians to end the drama they made up, directed and performed themselves, and it’s time for them to wake up from their own Truman Show,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a press conference.
Released on Tuesday, the US Department of State’s 2020 human rights report claimed China’s policies in Xinjiang constituted “genocide and crimes against humanity.”
No country, organization or individual has the right to arbitrarily find another country guilty of “genocide.” In international relations, no country should use this accusation as a political label for malicious manipulation, Hua said.
The so-called genocide is an insult to China’s ethnic policy and to Xinjiang’s achievements.
“China’s policies on ethnic minorities are much better and fairer than those in the US, and the ethnic minorities in China are much happier, more equal and more dignified than those in the US,” Hua said.
The US has ignored the reality of the development and prosperity in Xinjiang, labeled Xinjiang policies as genocide based on fake scholars and perjured witnesses’ remarks, which only prove the strategic tricks played by the US to create the so-called Xinjiang issues to curb China’s development, Hua said.
The so-called Xinjiang Uygur issue is nothing but a US strategic plot to destabilize and contain China from the inside.
It is the same tactic that the US and several of its allies used in Iraq and Syria, but it will never succeed in China, Hua said, noting that US’ accusations against China in its Xinjiang region are a reflection of their own evil.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item