BBC slammed for slandering China

BEIJING: The Chinese foreign ministry on Thursday called the BBC “pathetic” to use its reporter John Sudworth’s abnormal departure to threaten and blackmail China, stressing that China is the actual victim of BBC’s fake reports.
Sudworth did not inform relevant Chinese departments before his leave and did not go through normal departure procedures. His press card has expired and he no longer has the status of a resident foreign journalist in China, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said at Thursday’s press conference.
In an 8-minute speech, Hua criticized BBC for its fake, biased reports on China in recent years, especially on COVID-19 and Xinjiang related issues, which have damaged Xinjiang residents’ interests and tarnished China’s international image.
In response to BBC’s tweet which claimed Sudworth has “relocated” from Beijing to Taiwan and his work has “exposed truths the Chinese authorities did not want the world to know,” as well as the accusation from the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of China (FCCC) on China’s media environment, Hua said “it shows Sudworth’s personality. He has not only left without notification, but also bit back on China.” The FCCC statement is a typical example of turning black and white upside down, Hua said. According to Hua, China has never recognized this illegal organization.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item