Water resources must be used efficiently: President Aliyev

DM Monitoring

BAKU: President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said on Monday that they have large water resources in the liberated lands and their water sources generate from there. He said they have been deprived of these opportunities for almost 30 years. Armenia pursued a policy of aggression against Azerbaijan in this area too.
The president said potential of all our water resources both in the liberated lands and in other parts of the country must be carefully analyzed. Specific programs and proposals must be submitted to make the best use of these water resources.
Environmental terror was organized against us, Aliyev said receiving in a video format Zaur Mikayilov due to his appointment as Chairman of Azerbaijan Melioration and Water Management Open Joint Stock Company.
“Deforestation, destruction of reserves – 54,000 hectares of forest were felled, destroyed, looted and stolen by Armenians, and this is a serious crime. All the damage is now being calculated, including this damage. They deprived us of water.
The Sarsang reservoir and the Sugovushan reservoir were under their control. These two reservoirs were built by great leader Heydar Aliyev in the 1970s. On his initiative, these reservoirs were built to carry out irrigation work in Aghdam, Tartar, Goranboy, Barda and other districts.
The main purpose and function of the Sarsang reservoir were to supply water to these and other districts. At that time, about 100,000 hectares of land were supplied with water from this source and from Sugovushan. It is a smaller reservoir. More than 500 million cubic meters of water were stored in the Sarsang reservoir. But the Armenians cut off our water, deliberately let released it in winter to cause environmental damage and cut off the water in the spring and summer, so we were left without water.
We prepared a special action plan for the irrigation of that area, and on my instructions, hundreds of artesian wells were drilled there. However, when we liberated the Sugovushan settlement, we also took control of the Sugovushan reservoir.
After Sugovushan came under our control, there was an opportunity to significantly improve the water supply of Aghdam, Tartar, Barda, Goranboy and other districts. However, the canals leading to these districts have not been used for many years.