HK to turn from chaos to order

The Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress on Tuesday voted unanimously to adopt the amended Annex I and Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). The two annexes regulate the methods for the selection of the HKSAR chief executive and for the formation of the HKSAR Legislative Council. China’s top legislature has completed the legislation to revise and improve Hong Kong’s election methods, making clearer the city’s political road map of transitioning from chaos to governance. It is believed that Hong Kong’s specific legislation concerning the implementation of the new Annex I and Annex II will also go smoothly. The two new annexes have ensured Hong Kong will be governed by patriots – the general principle of Hong Kong governance, and have plugged the previous loopholes. They, together with the national security law for Hong Kong, have formed two shields for Hong Kong’s peace and prosperity, which not only eliminates major risks facing the city, but also provides a constructive opportunity for the city in the future. It is expected that Hong Kong’s governance will turn over a new leaf. The current situation is that the national security law for Hong Kong and the amendments to the election methods have unleashed a powerful influence. They have changed the relationship between political forces inside and outside Hong Kong, and reshaped the city’s prospects and people’s mentality. Those who love the country and Hong Kong have been greatly inspired, while frustration is permeating among the radical opposition. If the moderate opposition still wants to play a role in Hong Kong politics, they might explore how to provide constructive suggestions to the city rather than engaging in the destructive actions in the future. The national security law for Hong Kong and the two amended annexes will deal a heavy blow to foreign hostile forces. The Hong Kong secessionists whom these forces have been supporting can hardly enter Hong Kong’s system anymore. These secessionists would face legal risks if they collude with foreign forces. The influence of foreign forces in Hong Kong will be waning. They will launch more verbal attacks on Hong Kong affairs and engage in a bravado boycott, but these will be futile. The enactment of the national security law for Hong Kong and the improvement of Hong Kong’s electoral system are the inflection point of the situation in Hong Kong. The political struggle will continue, but the most important thing is that the arrogance of secessionist forces has been wrecked into pieces, the channels through which the US and Western forces meddle in Hong Kong affairs are blocked, and patriotic people in Hong Kong have regained their confidence. The political direction of Hong Kong has been fundamentally returned to normal.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item