Opposition within opposition

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that some friends in opposition doing opposition with opposition, we do not want to get involved in any controversy because it can favour to Prime Minister Imran Khan. Mr. Bilwal was interacting with media on Saturday at Jillani house Khairpur. While referring to selection of Yousuf Raza Gillani as opposition leaders he said that PPP from its foundation refrained to make a deal, perception of making a deal over a Yousuf Raza Gillani’s victory as Leader of opposition in Senate was totally baseless and aimed to dent PDM. He said that the opposition should target the government together, there should not be cross-party politics, the N-League should be happy at the success of the PPP, but some of the friends of the PMLN-League are unable to digest the victory. The eleven party’s alliance of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) remained successful in mounting pressure on the incumbent government over the past few months. PDM charted out a gradual pressure buildup strategy against the government, but due to inconsistent interests of the member parties it could not achieve its required objectives. The two major parties PPPP and PML-N with their opposing ideologies, interests and agendas could not proved to be a good partner against their common political opponent PTI, despite Moulana Fazl-Ur-Rehman continuous efforts to keep the alliance alive throughout its existence. The disarray within PDM started over the slot of opposition leader in the Senate about which PML-N claimed that PPPP agreed to reserve for PML-N for its support to Gilani in the centre. Here, PPPP surpassed the PDM, took solo flight and sorted the help of the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) senators to attain the post of the leader of the Opposition in Senate. It is an open truth that BAP is a government ally and earlier voted for Senator Sadiq Sinjrani during the election of Chairman Senate. Interestedly, few BAP’s senators remained decisive in the victory of Chairman, Deputy Chairman Senate, and their opponent Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani. Apparently, it was not possible without an engineering, besides who made it and who let it be made for some reasons. In fact, it is a set back for PPPP and a nail in PDM’s coffin, however future political developments would clearly illustrate the motives behind this philosophy.