Facts & figures on Balochistan

Balochistan a less developed, ill organized and badly ruled province of the state of Pakistan. The Politicians of the province and public in general usually remained complaintive to the Centre about the miserable condition of the people of province. Most of the complaints are genuine and people are suffering from those problems but there is a need to deeply investigate the issue instead of a shallow observation. One must ascertain the role of centre vis-à-vis provincial government in complicating the problems of the province over the past several decades. Since Balochistan got a province’s status in 1970, there is no change in the political families. This ill-fated province is mostly ruled by those houses which are still in power, and now their third generation is controlling the affairs with the blessing that matters. It is a reality that the provincial government had always formed by the native Baloch leaders mostly from regional/ provincial political parties. Then why those Baloch leaders could not perform any development works in their areas from where they got elected by the masses. There are sever problems such as poor road infrastructure, non-availability of health facilities in the villages, shortage of drinking water, education and non-availability of electricity and gas in most of the areas. As per reports, after the 18th amendment, about 800 billion rupees were transferred from the center to Balochistan in the last ten years, but no significant progress is visible in the provincial landscape. The incumbent Provincial government had announced green public transport project, which is still an unfulfilled promise. The present government allocated Rs. 20 billion for development of Quetta city but no such mega project has been initiated but it remained limited to some cosmetic measures only. At Central level major political parties including PPPP, PML-N and PTI all had categorically acknowledged the miseries and sufferings of the people of Balochistan and initiated several programs including Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package. PTI government has announced a special package for the development of southern Balochistan and allocated over 80 billion rupees for various projects in the province. However, all these development projects must be materialized by the provincial and district governments. Therefore, it is suggestable that people of Balochistan must question their local political leaderships regarding development work.
The Federal government must also provide all data including project details, cost, and sponsors of the project online to the public regarding all past and future development plans to ensure transparency and satisfaction for the people of the province.