Biden’s new plan for Afghanistan

The prominent American News outlet the Washington Post has reported that President Biden is expected to announce plan to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021, the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The decision is expected to be announced by US administration on Wednesday. According to reports, setting another deadline is an indication that the US is serious about ending the conflict and keeping the window open for the intra-Afghan peace process to reach at a logical end. The United States was bound to withdraw its troops out of Afghanistan by the May 1, this year if it lives up to its deal with Taliban in Doha in February 2020. The stalemate in Intra-Afghan dialogues continues and only two weeks left in looming deadline for troops withdrawal. Apparently, it is not possible for Americans to pull out its troops, and war machinery from Afghanistan in short time of two weeks. However, leaving Afghanistan without forging a consensus between the parties means plunging the Country again into post-Soviet Union ear’s anarchy. The Biden administration had made significant efforts to bring the warring parties on some consensus but failed so far, therefore Biden proposed new plan for troops withdrawal from Afghanistan. However, after the official announcement of the Biden’s new plan, the rection of Taliban would be an important factor in determining the direction of ongoing peace process. Earlier, a plan had been suggested by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani for holding election in the country and pause in violence for six months, however, day before yesterday Ghani reechoed his plan and exclude himself from the race for the next President. Ghani said that all parties must demonstrate patience and there is a need for establishment of a peace government. Ghani further said that he would transfer power through elections after holding a Loya-jirga and would not contest next Presidential election. However, he did not give any timeline for his proposed plan but any election in the war-torn country are not likely to be held in less than six months. It means there is nothing new expect dropping his name from the list of Presidential candidates. On other hand, Afghan Taliban announced not to take part in Turkey’s conference, which is likely to be held on 16 April. Taliban spokesman Mohammed Naeem said that Taliban had not yet decided to take part in the Turkey’s conference, and they had informed the Turkey about their decision. As per experts, Taliban half refusal to Afghan conference in Turkey is a well thought response to counter two moves of their adversaries.
First a reply to President Ashraf Ghani continuous hardline over transition government and secondly a swift response to Biden’s new withdrawal plan from Afghanistan. Earlier, Taliban had vowed to resume attacks on Foreign troops if the United States did not exit by May 1, however, presently it’s unclear whether Taliban will cooperate with the US or follow their ultimatum.

As a matter of fact, since from the beginning of the Afghanistan Reconciliation process, it could not follow the timelines set for different milestones, therefore it would not be a new phenomenon in the ongoing process. The real factor is true intentions and sincerity for peace in Afghanistan. Apparently, if US and International community succeeded to forge consensus for establishment of a transition government in any way before May 1, the peace can be perceived in Afghanistan.