Pakistan-China friendship Garden to be established

Peshawar: Pakistan and Iron Brother China will establish a friendship garden in Peshawar citing the sister city status of Peshawar and Urumqi, the capital city of Xinjiang province.
Khyber Pakhtunkhaw Minister for Local Government and Rural Development Akbar Ayub Khan proposed the establishment of the friendship garden during the visit of the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong to the provincial capital.
Ambassador Nong Rong appreciated the idea and pledged all possible support and assistance, said an official statement released here, reported on Thursday.
Ambassador Nong Rong said no effort would be spared to further cement ties between China and Pakistan.
Addressing a gathering at the Pakistan China Friendship Association (PCFA) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chapter’s Pak-China Friendship Tree Plantation Drive 2021 later, the envoy said he was impressed by the love expressed by the people in Khyber Pakhtunkhaw.
Ambassador Rong lauded the services of PCFA Khyber President, Yousaf Ayub Khan, and Secretary-General Syed Ali Nawaz Gilani.
He showed keen interest in photographs of First Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai about his visit to Peshawar in December 1956 at the PCFA offices. – Agencies