Iran Nuclear talks

Russian Envoy to the UN, Mikhail Ulyanov said that the latest talks in Vienna to save the 2015 Iran nuclear deal were positive despite fresh tensions, and Tehran’s preparations to further ramp up its uranium enrichment up to 60 percent. The recent indirect talks between Iran and other signatories of JCPOA was held in Vienna during recent days. As per reports, the overall environment of the talks was positive and encouraging. Both sides agreed to form two working groups to work for removal of sanctions by the US and implementation of JCOPA’s provisions by the Iran. However, just a day after the successful indirect talks between the parties, both sides acted in opposing directions. Iran ramped up its uranium enrichment up to 60 percent in a sudden move, whereas, the European Union imposed human rights sanctions on Iranian security and defence officials for their alleged role in anti-government protests in 2019. On these pages, we discussed the situation and identified it as pressure tactics by both parties to gain some leverage in the forthcoming negotiations on Iranian Nuclear Deal. However, the fact had been acknowledged by the European Diplomats in Vienna. As per reports, a European diplomat had told AFP in advance of the meeting about Iran’s announcement that it would enrich uranium up to 60 percent to put pressure on everyone. Apparently, it does not seem to be just a pressure tactics because as per experts, the move would take Iran closer to the 90% purity level needed for use in a nuclear weapon. If, both sides agree on reinstatement of the JCPOA in coming days, either than it would take some time for Iran to reverse its ramped up Nuclear system to agreed level of about 3.67 percent. Therefore, this opportunity can be utilized by Iran for determination of some technical parameters for a weapon grade material or otherwise. In fact, the United States and its allies EU Countries are trying their level best to de-arm Iran from its nuclear teeth, however, Iran remained successful to save its Nuclear Program under strict IAEA’s monitoring. Both sides are using tactics to evade each other yet the final outcome would determine the champion.